The Meaning of Life is a simple question with a very complicated answer to most. Many have spent years attempting to decypher the codex of life to determine what the purpose of it all is.
I have that answer, it's simple and to the point.
The Meaning of Life: Is to Live until you Die.
That's it, nothing more, nothing less. You live until you die. Everything in the middle is up to you to decide what to do with it.
We are immortal in the sense that as soon as you die, your universe dies with you.
What is the purpose of life existing? What is the purpose of consiousness? Well that's simple as well.
The purpose of life existing and for that life to be consious is so that the universe has a chance to experience itself.
You are the Universe, and the Universe is You. Physicists have discovered that we can entangle the building blocks of the universe to form a web of SpaceTime.
Consiousness is the culmination of the entanglements that shape who you are. For without a material body we would be formless, like the Universe set adrift among the vast emptiness of Nothing and Forever.
Forever gets lonely, so to break out of this the Universe, you, looked inward and this is what you found. Yourself as you are right now, among a multitude of other versions of yourself from different times, different places.
"I am he as you are he, and you are me, and we are all together." John Lennon joked about this line while he was alive saying it was nonsensical.
He said that it came to him in a dream and when he wrote it down it sounded good for the song and that was the end of it.
But we have the ability in ourselves to analyze what was written, what was sung. Instead of thinking of it as a throwaway line, consider it as a point to ponder.
I am he as you are he - We are the same as the other
and you are me - We are the same as eachother
and we are all together. - We share this life, together
So if everything is one then why is there so much suffering?
I don't know, because the only constants are that everything has to exist and everything has to die.
Remember, the Meaning of Life is to live until you die. Knowing this, looking at the suffering and self destruction we have rought on our planet is only natural.
That's not me saying that it's okay to be a horrible person and to go out and do bad things and cause suffering in the name of Naturalism.
What I'm going to attempt to discuss over the entirety of my single page site on "The Meaning of Life" is the following.
I've struggled for many years with the same level of depression that I feel a lot of my generation has had to deal with.
When I was born the Gulf War ended, as I was growing up we were in a time of "Unprecidented Peace and Prosperity" the 90s.
The Millenium was just around the corner and the biggest worry that was on everyones mind was the Technopocalypse
1999 turned to 2000, 2000 turned to 2001. Nothing. Then 9/11 happened, I was sitting in my 4th grade Math class when I was ushered out of the room and into another teachers room
The TV was turned to whatever news channel was first and images of planes crashing into the Twin Towers, a skyline fixture in NYC. It didn't take long to realize what was happening.
"We're under attack, your city could be next, get to cover, grab your family, panic panic panic!"
At least, that's how it felt. In reality, there were 4 hijackings, 2 Landed on Target, One clipped the Pentagon, and the last one went down in a field.
This was a coordinated strike, but it wasn't by an invasion force, it was more akin to I suppose we could call it, the Millenial Pearl Harbor.
As children we witnessed and some experienced the significant loss of life on that day, a loss of life that was significant to the American Peoples.
A loss of life that would lead to the loss of countless more.
No one around me could know how anything would turn out, but soon fears and worries became banners for retalliation.
But who was to blame? How could we retaliate without a clear direction to focus it, the people who committed the acts were dead, but the planners surely they must be alive!
So starts Operation Enduring Freedom, from the time I was in the 4th Grade, I had a burning patriotic duty to serve my country no matter the cost.
Ignoring the rest of my school life, like that's anything new for Millenials, I'm going to try and bring back my point in all of this.
We had no clue what the answer was in all this, when we did get leads it took us to a cave in the middle of a Country no one had talked about since Regan/Bush Sr.
Due to the political climates we started two wartime Operations; Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF).
At the time I wasn't awakened to the meaning of life, my purpose for living however that was clear.
Serve my country, make sure that I bring back as many of my brothers and sisters in arms as possible, and live to fight another day.
This was my goal, this was the endgame, I wasn't expecting to make it home if I ever deployed.
But I never deployed, my endgame was cut short.
Listless I routed back home and sulked in my newly found "freedom", I could wakeup whenever I wanted, do what I wanted, wear what I wanted.
It didn't matter, there was no purpose or meaning behind any of it. These were some of the worst days.
Sometimes I like to look back on everything and see if there was anything on the timeline I would change.
The answer is always, no; despite the trials and tribulations that I faced,
the challenges that sought to hold back my potential and snuff out my life.
I always remind myself this; Without those challenges, without the trials and tests of life, I would not be who I am today.
All the people who I love who are a product of my choices wouldn't be here with me which means that none of it would have any real purpose.
If I knew what I knew now back then however I think that things may have turned out a bit differently.
Had I known that these Operations would last nearly 25 years I don't think I would have been so gung-ho about joining.
Had I known any of this maybe my life would have been happier, less depressing, more fulfilled.
But that's the great thing about 'maybe', it's always better than the actual answer.
Unless the question is, what restaurant do you wanna eat at?So now that we know what's in our future, what do we do about the now? What do we do about the injustice in the world?
From my perspective this is a great time to remember that you're the Universe.
This is where Genuine Dedicated Meditation comes into play.
Sit in Silence for as long as you need to answer the questions yourself.
You got me, I'm just like you, I don't actually have all the answers. Well I do, but they're not always right.
From the street you grew up on to the Vast Expanse of the Universe, the only thing that I have seen bring more people together, stronger than before is suffering.
We all understand what it's like to suffer, whether it's suffering a loss, suffering pain, anything. To live is to suffer the burden of life.
We tell people not to kill themselves, then after they get out of the hospital for their attempt they get a medical bill that will kill them financially.
Life is suffering, living until death is suffering, happiness is suffering.
Happiness is suffering doesn't sound so happy or "good", but hear me out.
In order for us to be happy we have a whole slew of immeasurable factors, you only know you're happy after you've been happy.
You suffer by knowing that your happiness happened in the past; however, once you know what happiness felt like you know you can be happy agian.
We tend to only remember that we "were happy" not that we "can be happy", this is what I would like to call an immediate feedback loop that happens so quickly we don't know it's happening.